Add an Employee

Add an Employee

  1. To add a new employee to the organisation, select People > Add Person.
  2. Enter the employee's First Name and Surname, ID (optional) and Work State.
  3. Select Continue.
    You will be taken to a new page where you can enter additional details about the employee.

Tip: You can also add an employee when displaying lists of employees, or when adding a timesheet in a payroll.

This article covers:

An Employee's ID

Every employee is given an ID which uniquely identifies them within your organisation. If you wish, you can give each employee an employee number by entering it as their ID, otherwise just leave it blank and the system will generate an ID to each new employee added.

If you want to choose your own IDs, an employee’s first name is good as it doesn’t change like surnames or job titles. However, it can be an issue when more than one employee has the same name as you cannot change an employee’s ID once it has been created.

If you are using a time and attendance system, the employee ID needs to be the same in both the time and attendance system and CloudPayroll.

Personal Details

Once you have added an employee, you can record personal and payroll related information. This includes details such as:

  • Address, email, gender, date of birth and other contact details
  • Job title, start date and other job-related information
  • Work state is where the employee works the majority of time. It is important as this is where the public holidays, LSL rules and payroll tax will apply that state
  • Pay rates per annum or hourly rate
  • Tax file number and tax scale
  • Superannuation details - see below for more details

Simply enter the information and press Save at the bottom of the page (you may have to scroll down to see it).

Important: You must press this button at the bottom of the page, or your changes will not be saved!

View the Personal Details article for more information.


Superannuation Guarantee - Quantity is the % being paid. Element SUPER, Fund - all APRA funds are listed to select from. Member number fields are all required.

Superannuation Salary Sacrifice - Quantity is 1, Element - SS, Fund - all APRA Funds are listed to select from. Member number fields are all required and you need to add amount to be super salary sacrificed.

To add a Self Managed Super Fund - You will need to get in contact with our support team who will send a form to you to complete with all the details required.  Please email and ask for SMSF form for organisation number.  They will email you form which will need to be completed and returned so that they can set up and link to your employee.

View the Superannuation article for more information on setting up an employee's superannuation details. You may also want to view the Paying Your Superannuation article.

Timesheet Template

Once you have entered personal details for a new employee, you should create a Timesheet Template for them. Every time you pay an employee, their Timesheet Template is copied into the current payroll. This can save you a lot of time every pay day

When you first look at a Timesheet Template it will probably already contain some entries:-

  • The leave accruals of AL20ACTL, SICK10A-ACTL and LSL-state
  • The Superannuation contribution which is the super guarantee
  • A PAYG entry, so tax is deducted every pay
  • A BANK - Take Home Pay which is the net pay for the employee.(Depending on the employee's payment method entered on their Personal Details page, you may see a different entry, for example CASH or CHEQUE)

It is now a good idea to create some Timesheet Template entries. Remember that every entry you create now means less work every time you run a pay.

You would usually create these entries if the employee works the same number of core hours every pay. Simply enter hours in the Quantity box next to element T1 - ordinary time and press +Add.

Tip: The 'Add Ordinary Time' button will automatically add this entry for you, with the employee's normal hours automatically keyed for you.

  • Create an entry for regular deductions that the employee receives each pay (for example, child support). For net pay to be split over various bank accounts, use the PBA Deduction (Personal Bank Account) code

If the employee receives allowances (any) every pay, enter those as well.

Tip: The 'PBA Deduction' button will automatically add this entry for you and prompt you to add the BSB/Account number, Lodgement Reference and Rate (the amount to go into other bank account).

View the Timesheet Template article for more information.


It is easy to set up leave in CloudPayroll. Please follow the instructions provided and, if you need assistance, please contact our helpful staff on the Helpdesk.

Note: For leave balances to be correct when changing to CloudPayroll, take the following steps:

  1. Go to People > View People and select the employee.
  2. In the sub-menu, select Leave > Opening Balances.
  3. In the Opening Leave Balances section, click +Add and enter an as at date, the leave balance type, and add hours and days.
  4. Select the Tick to add the leave balance to the Opening Leave Balances table.

View the Opening Leave Balances article for more information.

What's Next

Once you have updated Personal Details, Timesheet Template, Opening Leave Balances and Opening Year to Date Balances (if applicable), for each employee in your organisation, you can process a payroll.

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