It is easy to pay your employees in CloudPayroll.
1. Open a Payroll
Open either a normal payroll or a one-off payroll.
2. Enter Timesheets
Enter any changes for the payroll, or upload from a time and attendance system or excel spreadsheet (must be in correct format).
3. Check the Pay
This is a summary of the payroll.
Please also refer to Reports > Payroll > Payroll Variation which will show standard gross, last gross and this gross, a nice way to easily see differences from one pay to another.
Also refer to Reports > Payroll > Payroll Transaction List. This report will itemise all that is being paid for each employee.
Note: There are filters at the top where you can select to view (or not) the payments, deductions, leave and so on.
4. Confirm the Pay - Opted in to Single Touch Payroll (STP)
Confirm the payroll to be paid and authorise the STP report to be submitted to the Australian Taxation Office (STO).
Note: You can download an ABA bank file and upload it into your bank account, or go to internet banking and enter each employees net pay manually.
To download the ABA bank file, in the Payroll > Confirm > Confirm Payroll page, select the Download "bankfile.aba" button.
Note: You may want to wait until the payroll is closed before you download the ABA bank file, as no further changes can be made to a closed payroll.
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