Timesheet Template

Timesheet Template

Each time you pay an employee, their Timesheet Template is copied into the current payroll. To save you a lot of time and effort each pay day, add all the permanent pay transactions (ones that do not change) here.

When you first look at a Timesheet Template it will probably already contain some entries:

  • A PAYG entry, so tax is deducted every pay.
  • A SUPER which is the Superannuation Guarantee.
  • Annual Leave, Long Service Leave (LSL) and Sick/Carers Leave which represents the accruals on actual hours worked (may need to change to 'relevant leave entitlements rules' if not on actual hours worked).
  • A BANK entry, that transfers the employee's pay into their Bank Account. (Depending on the employee's payment method entered on their Personal Details page, you may see a different entry, for example CASH or CHEQUE).

Creating Timesheet Template entries. Remember that every entry you create now means less work every time you run a pay.

You can add these the same way you would add to an open payroll. Enter the quantity, select the element (payment/deduction) and so on, and then click 'Add'.

  • If the employee works the same number of core hours every pay, or is paid a fixed salary regardless of their hours worked, create an entry for T1 (Ordinary Time).

Tip: The "Add Ordinary Time" button will automatically add this entry for you, with the employee's normal hours automatically keyed for you based on the FT hours entered on the Personal Details page.

  • Create an entry for regular deductions that the employee receives each pay (for example, child support). For fixed amounts that an employee has going to a second personal account or a 3rd party account use the PBA (Personal Bank Account) code.
  • If the employee receives any allowances every pay, enter those too.

Once you have entered Personal Details and Timesheet Template details for all the employees in your organisation, you can process a payroll.

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