Personal Details

Personal Details

An employee’s ‘Personal Details’ page contains their basic personal and payroll information.

  1. To view or add an employee's Personal Details, go to People > View People and select the employee.
  2. Enter the relevant information.
  3. Press Save at the bottom of the page.

First Name(s)

Enter the employee's First Name, or Names.

Enter a preferred name or nickname in brackets, for example 'William (Bill)'. This enables sorting when viewing personal files.


Enter the employee's Surname (or family name).


Enter the employee's address for contact purposes. This is displayed on their payslip.

Email address

Enter the employee's email address.

Phone Number

Enter the employee's phone number. This is used in the Staff Phone List.


Select their gender.

Date of Birth

Enter their date of birth e.g. 5-Dec-1980.

Job Title

Enter their job title (if applicable).

Employee Type

Select from one of Employee, Contractor or Labour Hire.

Start Date

Enter their service start date (e.g. 5-Dec-2000). This is used to calculate their length of service and is important for leave calculations.

Finish Date

If the employee has finished, their finish date will be displayed.

Work State

This is an important field for State specific public holidays, LSL rules and payroll tax (if applicable).

Pay Method

Select how the employee is paid (usually Bank but can also be via Cheque or Cash).

Note: Select the option for the employee’s remaining pay here, even if they have a fixed amount going to a nominated Bank Account. Fixed amount deductions to a Bank Account are set up using a PBA - Personal Bank Account deduction on the employee’s Timesheet Template. The remaining pay transaction is stored in an employee's ‘Personal Details’ and copied into every payroll. View the Timesheet Template article for more information.

Bank Account

Enter the Bank Account that this employee receives their pay into. (You can leave this blank if the employee's Payment Method is Cash or Cheque).

Paid Up To

This displays the date the employee has been paid up to and is updated each time a payroll is closed according to the dates on the Open Payroll page. You can also select the Paid Up To link to change an employee’s paid up to date. This is useful for advances or leave without pay.

Pay Rates

Enter the employee's pay rates here - either per annum or hourly rate. You can read more about Pay Rates. View the Pay Rate and Hours of Work article for more information.

F.T Hrs/Week

This is the fulltime equivalent hours eg 37.5 hours, 38 hours, 40 hours. If you have entered a salary in the payrate it will use the F.T. hours to work out the hourly rate equivalent.

Tax Details

Enter the employee's tax scale. There is a dropdown list of different tax scales to choose from (eg 2. claimed tax free threshold or H. working holiday, and Tax File number here. If TFN not provided enter 111 111 111 until received.

Pay Frequency

How often the employee is paid.

Note: The 'Weekly(2)', and so on, pay frequencies may be used if you have groups of employees paid on the same frequency but paid at different times or with different paid-to dates. For example, use 'Fortnightly' and 'Fortnightly(2' if employees are paid fortnightly, with half the employees paid on the first week and the other half paid the next week.



Enter the Employee's Super choice fund for superannuation guarantee, super salary sacrifice, reportable superannuation contributions and member voluntary super contributions. View the Superannuation article for more information.

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