Opening Leave Balances

Opening Leave Balances

To ensure that the leave balances are correct in CloudPayroll at all times, prior to processing your first pay run, the opening leave balances effective from a date (such as at your last pay period end date) need to be added.

Entering the opening leave balances to an employee as at your last payrun before going live in CloudPayroll is easy.

  1. Go to People > View People.
  2. Select the employee you want to add opening leave balances for.
  3. From the sub-menu, select Leave > Opening Balances.
  4. In the Opening Leave Balances section, select +Add.
    An active row is added to the Opening Leave Balances table.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • As at Date
    • Balance Type
    • Hours
    • Days
  6. Select the Tick to add the opening leave balance.
    A success message displays confirming the opening leave balance has been added successfully.
  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 until all opening leave balances have been added for the employee.
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