The Timelogs Review Screen

The Timelogs Review Screen

The Timelogs Approver Overview (or Timelogs review screen) is the main page where a Timelogs Approver can ApproveSuspend, or Void time logs.

This article covers:

The Timelogs Approver Overview

Go to People > Timelogs to review and approve time logs.

Note: The Timelogs Approver Overview is the landing page for any user whose access level is Timelog Approvals.

Note: Leave Requests is the landing page for any user whose access level is Timelog Approvals and Leave Approvals. Select the Timelogs tab to access the Timelogs Approver Overview.


Initially, this page will show all of today's time logs. Once the filter has been changed, the last change including the date, will be remembered, unless you clear your Browser cache. You can adjust the filter to view time logs for a different date range, or from a particular person, or of a particular status. See Filter Timelogs below, for more information on changing the filter options.

Note: The initial sort order for the Timelogs Approver Overview is date order with the oldest date listed first. You can select the column headers to change the sort order. Selecting a column header again will reverse the sort order for that column.

Note: If Multiple appears in the Time Code column, this indicates more than one time code has been used on that day for that person. See The Timelogs Approver Detail View below, to see how to view the individual time logs for that person.

Note: If Note icon displays to the right of the status, this indicates that at least one time log on that day for that person has a note on it.

See The Timelogs Approver Detail View below, to see how to view the individual time logs for that person.

Note: If Enable leave requests online is selected as an Organisation default (employees can request leave through the Employee Kiosk), read-only leave requests will display in the Timelogs Approver Overview.

Note: If you disable Timelogs for a person, their read-only leave requests will no longer appear.

Note: This article covers the navigation around the Timelogs Approver Overview. To learn how to approve, suspend or void time logs, see Approve, suspend or void Timelogs.

Filter Timelogs

The filter can be adjusted to view a different range of time logs. This can help in reviewing and approving all the time submitted over a given time period, or from a particular person.

The filter changes are remembered in your Browser cache, so each time you visit the Timelogs Approver Overview, the last filter you used will apply.


  1. To filter by a specific person, type the person's name in the Person field.
    Note: You can also select the hyperlink of the person's name in the Timelogs Approver Overview table to filter by that person.

    Note: To show all people, clear the current person's name from the Person field.
  2. Enable the Include inactive people checkbox if you want to include people who are no longer employed.
    Note: When filtering by status, each status displayed will be listed in the Status field. When you select the Status field, each selected status will be highlighted in blue above the non-selected statuses (learn more about Timelogs statuses).
  3. If you want to change the filter, to filter time logs days by specific statuses, select the Status field and choose from:
    • Select All - to select all statuses
    • Unselect All - to clear all statuses
      Note: The Status field will change to Select a Status. If you do not select a status, all statuses will be displayed in the Timelogs Approver Overview.
    • Select a status to hightlight it and add it to the Status field
    • Select a highlighted status to unhighlight it and remove it from the Status field
  4. To change the date, you can either:
    • Enter a date range directly into the From and To fields.
      Note: You can use the Calendar date picker icon to select the date from the calendar.
    • Select the Back arrow to change the date to the prior period.
    • Select the Forward arrow to change the date range to the next period.
    • Select Current Pay Periods, and select an open pay period, if more than one pay period is open.
  5. Once you have selected the required filter options, select Go to apply the filter changes.

Note: The Go button will be inactive (appear faded) if there are no filter changes to apply to the Timelogs Approver Overview.

View Exceptions

If you have set standard hours, you can view only those time logs that are over or under the standard hours set (learn about defining standard hours for each person).

You can also view any time logs where overtime or penal time is the earnings type of a pay element mapped to a time code.


When looking at the hours in the Timelogs table, different colour shades will highlight any exceptions:

  • Light blue: Person has worked less than their standard hours.
  • Medium blue: Person has worked more than their standard hours.
  • Dark blue: Person has logged time using a time code that is mapped to a pay element that has overtime or penal time as the earnings type.

Note: The More than standard hours and Less than their standard hours exceptions will only display if a person's standard hours are set to Assign standard hours per day for this person in their Timelogs Settings. See Adjust an individual person's Timelogs Settings for more information on setting daily standard hours.

To Filter by Exception

Select the required filter field above the table:

  • Overtime/Penal Hours
  • More than standard hours
  • Less than their standard hours
  • All irregular

Any days where the the filter does not match, will be hidden.


To Clear the Filter

Select Show all.

The Timelogs Approver Detail View

The Timelogs Approver Detail View is where you can review all the time logs for any person, for a specific day. As well as review time logs, you can also add, edit or delete time logs for a person in this page.

Access the Timelogs Approver Detail View

  1. Select Add/view at the bottom of the Timelogs Approver Overview.
    The Add/view button changes to the Close add/view button and an additional pane opens underneath with a Person and Date field.
    Note: If you want to close the pane, select the Close add/view button.
  2. In the Person field, enter the name of the person.
  3. In the Date field, if required, change the date, or select the Calendar icon and select a date.
  4. Select Go.
    The Timelogs Approver Detail View for that person, for the date specified, displays.

Note: This is the only way to access the Timelogs Approver Detail View if you want to add a time log for a person who does not have any other time logs in the current date range in the Timelogs Approver Overview.

Note: If the person is listed in the Timelogs Approver Overview for a specific day, selecting the date hyperlink will direct you to the Timelogs Approver Detail View for that person, for that date.

Note: If a Note icon is displayed in the far right column of a time log, select the Note icon to display the details of the note. Any note added by your employees will be preceded with Kiosk:, while any note added by a Timelogs Approver will be preceded with Approver:. To view Notes in report form, see the Timelogs per person report in Timelogs reports.

The Timelogs Approver Detail View Page

The Timelogs Approver Detail View is where you can add, edit or delete time logs.


You can use navigation buttons to either change the date or go back to the Timelogs Approver Overview:

  • Back: Selecting this will return you to the Timelogs Approver Overview, where you can view the larger list of total hours worked per day.
  • Left/Right arrows: These buttons allow you to browse backward and forward to view individual days worked by this person.
  • Today: This button allows you to quickly skip back to today's date.

Note: If you select the date (in between the left and right arrows) the Calendar Picker will appear.

Note: If Enable leave requests online is selected as an Organisation default (employees can request leave through the Employee Kiosk), read-only leave requests will display in the Timelogs Approver Detail View.

Note: If you disable Timelogs for a person, their read-only leave requests will no longer appear.

For more information on using the Timelogs Approver Detail View, see Adding or editing Timelogs.

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