Timelogs Reports

Timelogs Reports

The reports in Timelogs report on the data entered into Timelogs by your people. For example, how many hours have been spent per person on a specific time code.

This article covers the Timelogs reports that can be generated:

Total Hours Per Time Code Report

This report shows, for a defined period, the total hours applied to each time code, along with the pay element, and the cost centre (if enabled).

To Produce the Total Hours Per Time Code Report

  1. Go to Reports > Timelogs.
  2. Select the Total Hours Per Time Code hyperlink.
    The report is initially displayed with the default settings. You can change the settings as outlined below.
  3. In the From field, either overtype the date, or click the Calendar picker to select an alternative start date.
  4. In the To field, either overtype the date, or click the Calendar picker to select an alternative end date.
  5. Click the Timelog Status dropdown arrow and select the status you want to report on:
    • All Active (Submitted, Approved, and Accepted)
    • Only Submitted
    • Only Approved
    • Only Accepted
    • Only Closed
    • Only Suspended
  6. Disable the Include inactive people checkbox if you want to exclude time codes from inactive people for the period.
  7. Select Go to view the updated report.
  8. Select either:
    • Print to send the report to your printer, or
    • Download Excel to download a copy of the report.

Total Hours Per Person Per Time Code Report

This Timelogs report breaks down the hours spent on each time code for all people, or a specified person, for a defined period. The time codes are listed for each person and include the pay element for each time code, and cost centre (if enabled).

To Produce the Total Hours Per Person Per Time Coe Report

  1. Go to Reports > Timelogs.
  2. Select the Total Hours Per Person Per Timecode report.
    The report is initially displayed with the default settings. You can change the settings as outlined below.
  3. In the From field, either overtype the date, or click the Calendar picker to select an alternative start date.
  4. In the To field, either overtype the date, or click the Calendar picker to select an alternative end date.
  5. Click the Timelog Status dropdown arrow and select the status you want to report on:
    • All Active (Submitted, Approved, and Accepted)
    • Only Submitted
    • Only Approved
    • Only Accepted
    • Only Closed
    • Only Suspended
  6. Enable the Include inactive people checkbox if want to include inactive people for the period.
  7. Click the Person dropdown arrow and select a person, or overtype All with the name of the person, if you want to report on a specific person.
  8. Select Go to view the updated report.
  9. Select either:
    • Print to send the report to your printer, or
    • Download Excel to download a copy of the report.

Timelogs Per Person Report

This report is a printable report of the Timelogs table as you would see it in the Kiosk or the Timelogs Approver Detail View, excluding read-only leave requests. It displays all time logs for all people, or a specified person, for a defined period. You can select the statuses to show, and include or exclude any notes attached to the individual time logs.

Note: This report also includes a Submitted by Kiosk column. This column shows the date and time a time log was submitted by a person from their Employee Kiosk.

To Produce the Timelogs Per Person Report

  1. Go to Reports > Timelogs.
  2. Select the Timelogs Per Person hyperlink.
    The report is initially displayed with the default settings. You can change the settings as outlined below.
  3. In the From field, either overtype the date, or click the Calendar picker to select an alternative start date.
  4. In the To field, either overtype the date, or click the Calendar picker to select an alternative end date.
  5. Click the Timelog Status dropdown arrow and select the status you want to report on:
    • All (every status for the specified period)
    • All Active (Submitted, Approved, and Accepted)
    • Only Submitted
    • Only Approved
    • Only Accepted
    • Only Closed
    • Only Suspended
    • Only Draft
    • Only Void
      Note: The hours for voided time logs are not included in the totals for each person.
      Note: Formulas are not downloaded if you download this report. Be careful not to include the hours from voided time logs, if you make any adjustments to the totals.
  6. For Notes, select either:
    • Exclude Notes - to hide notes on the report, or
    • Include Notes - to display notes on the report, or
    • Only include Timelogs with Notes - to only show time logs that have a note added.
      Note: If you select Only include Timelogs with Notes, no totals will be displayed.
  7. Enable the Include inactive people checkbox if want to include inactive people for the period.
  8. Click the Person dropdown arrow and select a person, or overtype All with the name of a person, if you want to report on a specific person.
  9. Select Go to view the updated report.
  10. Select either:
    • Print to send the report to your printer, or
    • Download Excel to download a copy of the report.

Missing Timelogs Report

This report shows if no time logs have been added for a date range. This report is used to help identify quickly if a person has not added a time log when they were expected to.

By default, this report only looks for missing time logs for people who have standard daily hours defined.

To Produce the Missing Timelogs Report

  1. Go to Reports > Timelogs.
  2. Select the Missing Timelogs hyperlink.
    The report is initially displayed with the default settings. You can change the settings as outlined below.
  3. In the From field, either overtype the date, or click the Calendar picker to select an alternative start date.
  4. In the To field, either overtype the date, or click the Calendar picker to select an alternative end date.
  5. To define what days to include when looking for missing time logs, select either:
    • Only days with Daily Standard hours - to display only people who have standard hours set for each day within the date range, where no time logs have been added for those people, or
    • Days with Daily, Weekly or Undefined Hours - to display all people regardless of whether they have standard daily hours set or not, where those people do not have time logs added for the days within the date range
      Note: If Days with Daily, Weekly or Undefined Hours is selected, you can also choose to include or exclude weekends and public holidays.
  6. Enable the Include Weekends checkbox if you would like to include weekends in the search for missing time logs.
  7. Enable the Include Public Holidays checkbox if you would like to include public holidays in the search for missing time logs.
  8. Enable the Include people who can't enter their own time logs checkbox if you would like to include people who can't enter their own time logs.
    Note: This option only applies if the Timelogs Approver adds time logs on behalf of a person, rather than letting the person add their own time logs through their kiosk. It is the Timelog Entry option in the person's Timelogs Settings that determines this.
  9. Enable the Include inactive people checkbox if want to include inactive people for the period.
  10. Click the Person dropdown arrow and select a person, or overtype All with the name of a person, if you want to report on a specific person.
  11. Select Go to view the updated report.
  12. Select either:
    • Print to send the report to your printer, or
    • Download Excel to download a copy of the report.

Timelogs in Payroll Report

This report shows the time logs that are either in the current payroll, or will be accepted into the next payroll, or payrolls if your organisation has multiple payroll frequencies.

The report can be run if the payroll is open or closed.

  • If a Payroll is Open
    You can either run the report to show what approved time logs are still to be accepted into the current payroll, or what time logs have currently been accepted into a payroll, or both.
    Note: You will not see any approved time logs for the next period until the payroll has been closed.
  • If a Payroll is Closed
    The report will show the currently approved time logs that would be accepted into the next payroll for each person.
    Note: If the payroll is closed, the system will estimate the next payroll period(s) and display the following information message:

To Produce the Timelogs in Payroll Report

  1. Go to Reports > Timelogs.
  2. Select the Timelogs in Payroll hyperlink.

  3. Click the Timelog Status dropdown arrow, and select the status you want to report on:
    • Approved for Payroll - time logs that are approved and can be accepted into the current or next payroll depending on whether the payroll is open or closed.
    • Accepted in Current Payroll - time logs that have been accepted into the current open payroll.
    • Approved for Payroll, Accepted in Current Payroll - both time logs that have been approved and can be accepted into the current open payroll, and time logs that have already been accepted into the current open payroll.
  4. Select Go to view the updated report.
  5. Select either:
    • Print to send the report to your printer, or
    • Download Excel to download a copy of the report.

Note: If you are in an open payroll, and there are time logs to be accepted, the Timelogs in Payroll report is accessible via a link in the Pending Timelogs warning message.

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