Adding or Editing Timelogs

Adding or Editing Timelogs

 This article covers:

The Timelogs Approver Detail View

The Timelogs Approver Detail View is where you can review all time logs for any person, for a specific day. As well as review time logs, you can also add, edit or delete time logs for a person in this page.

Note: A Timelogs Approver can only delete a time log added in the Timelogs Approver Detail View, not a time log added by an employee. To cancel a time log added by an employee, you must Void the time log.

Viewing a single day's time logs allows you to view:

  • Which time code is selected for each time log
  • The start and end time of each time log
  • The status of each time log
  • Any note added to a time log

The Timelogs Approver Detail View is accessible from the Timelogs Approver Overview.

Note: The Timelogs per person report is a downloadable and printable version of this page.

Access the Timelogs Approver Detail View

  1. Go to People > Timelogs.
    The Timelogs Approver Overview displays.
  2. Select Add/view at the bottom of the Timelogs Approver Overview.
    The Add/view button changes to the Close add/view button and an additional pane opens underneath with a Person and Date field.
    Note: If you want to close the pane, select Close add/view.
  3. In the Person field, enter the name of the person.
  4. In the Date field, if required, change the date, or select the Calendar icon and select a date.
  5. Select Go.
    The Timelogs Approver Detail View for that person, for the date specified, displays.


Note: This is the only way to access the Timelogs Approver Detail View if you want to add a time log for a person who does not have any other time logs in the current date range in the Timelogs Approver Overview.

Note: If the person is listed in the Timelogs Approver Overview for a specific day, selecting the date hyperlink will direct you to the Timelogs Approver Detail View for that person, for that date.

Note: If a Note icon is displayed in the far right column of a time log, select the Note icon to display the details of the note. Any note added by your employees will be preceded with Kiosk:, while any note added by a Timelogs Approver will be preceded with Approver:. To view Notes in report form, see the Timelogs per person report in Timelogs reports.

Add a Time Log

  1. Go to the Timelogs Approver Detail View for the person you want to add a time log for.
  2. If the current date is not the date you want to add the time log to, change to the correct date by either:
    • Selecting the Back Arrow button (to the left of the date) to go to a previous date, or
    • Selecting the Forward Arrow button to go to a future date, or
    • Selecting Today to go to today's date, or
    • Selecting the date (in between the Back and Forward arrows) to display the Calendar Picker, and selecting the date from the Calendar Picker.
  3. Select +Add to add a time log.
    Note: If no time logs exist for the current day, you can also select the add an entry hyperlink in the table to add a time log.
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Date: If you did not navigate to the correct date when you added the time log, you can now change the date to the date you require.
    • Time Code: Select the time code for the time log.
    • Start and End Time: Enter the time the work started and ended. You may type your selection or select the Time Picker to choose a time.
    • Gross Hours: Enter the amount of time worked. If you enter a start and end time, the total will be calculated for you.
    • Break (mins): If required, enter the time taken for an unpaid break in minutes. The break time is deducted from the Gross Hours to calculate the Net Hours. You can either type the minutes, for example 30, in the Break field, or click the +/- buttons to enter the break time.
    • Notes From Approver: Enter a note for the time log, if required.
    • Allow Person to view this note: Select this checkbox if you want the person to see this note in their Employee Kiosk.
      Note: For some Organisations, start and end times are disabled (learn about adjusting Organisation Timelogs Settings.
      Note: Entering the Gross Hours will automatically adjust the End Time.
      Note: The break time may already be populated as a default. You can override the default.
      Note: If you select the Allow Person to view this note checkbox, and the person has an email address set up in their profile in their Employee Kiosk, the person will receive an email advising a note has been added to a time log.
      Note: A Timelogs Approver can disable the Allow Person to view this note checkbox at a later stage to suppress the note in the Employee Kiosk.
  5. Select Save.
    A success message displays.chrome_2017-08-17_10-12-50.png
    Note: The time log is now displayed in the Timelogs table. Because it was created by a Timelogs Approver or Paymaster, an i icon displays in the far right column. Selecting the icon will display a message advising the time log was edited by management.
  6. Select the checkbox next to the time log and select Approve Selected.
  7. To go back to the Timelogs Approver Overview, select the Back button above the Timelogs pane.

Edit a Time Log

A Timelogs Approver may edit time logs that have a status of Draft or Submitted. A Paymaster may edit time logs that have a status of Draft, Submitted, or Approved (learn more about Timelogs statuses).

  1. Go to the Timelogs Approver Detail View for the person you want to edit a time log for.
  2. If the current date is not the date you want to edit the time log for, change to the correct date by either:
    • Selecting the Back Arrow button (to the left of the date) to go to a previous date, or
    • Selecting the Forward Arrow button to go to a future date, or
    • Selecting Today to go to today's date, or
    • Selecting the date (in between the Back and Forward arrows) to display the Calendar Picker, and selecting the date from the Calendar Picker.
  3. For the time log you want to edit, select the Pencil icon in the far right column.
    The Timelogs Panel displays showing the details of the time log.
  4. Change the details of the time log as required.
  5. Select Save.
    A success message displays.
    Note: After a time log is edited, the original time log is set to Void. A voided time log will always be visible, but can never be edited and will never move forward into a payroll.
    A new time log is created using the edited details. An i icon displays in the far right column of the time log. Selecting the icon will display a message advising the time log was edited by management.
    Note: If you do not need to edit the time log, select the X icon to close the Timelogs Panel.
  6. Select the checkbox next to the time log and select Approve Selected.
  7. To go back to the Timelogs Approver Overview, select the Back button above the Timelogs pane.
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