2. Enter

2. Enter

This article covers:

Enter Timesheets

Timesheet entry is where most of the work is done in CloudPayroll by entering in the details to pay each employee.  Once Timesheet Templates has been set up, all that needs to be entered each pay are the transactions that change.

The following can be done quickly from the 'Payroll > Enter > Enter Timesheets' page:

  • Change a timesheet by selecting the employee's Pen icon.
  • Delete a timesheet by selecting the employee's Bin icon.
  • Call up an employee's payslip on the spot, without 'running a pay'.
  • See the Hours Worked and Gross Pay for an individual or for the entire payroll.
  • View more detailed reports - Hours Worked, Payroll Summary and Transaction List.
  • Add employees to this payroll, by pressing the 'Add Timesheet' button at the top right-hand side of the list.
  • Delete all nil timesheets from the payroll.
  • Add a Global Payslip Message to all payslips.

View an Employee's Timesheet

  1. Select the employee's name or click the Pen icon in the list to update the timesheet.
    Note: If the employee doesn't appear on the list, select +Add Timesheet.
  2. To change an existing transaction in the timesheet, select the item you wish to change.
  3. To add a new transaction to the timesheet, enter the 'Quantity' in the green box above, select a Payment/Deduction from the drop-down list and press the +Add button.
    Note: New payments and deductions can be added via the 'Setup > Pay Elements' menu.
  4. If any line items shows a bin icon, you can select it to remove the item.

Note: If you need to get back to the total list of employees from a Timesheet Entry, select Payroll > 2. Enter.

Additional Information

It is important to remember that, when changing an employee's timesheet entry within a payroll, it does not affect their Timesheet Template.

  • To make a change for this payroll only, change the timesheet entry from the Enter Timesheet page.
  • To make a change for all future pays after this payroll, change the Timesheet Template only.
  • To make a change for all future pays, including this payroll, change both the Timesheet Entry and Timesheet Template.

Alternatively, change the Timesheet Templates before you 'Open' the payroll.

Note: Costing (the use of Cost Centres) is available in the Premium Service. If you wish to upgrade to our Premium service, you would then be able to allocate cost centres to payroll transactions in the timesheet templates and in the timesheets in the payroll.

You can produce a PDF version of a payslip for your employee, at the time of processing a payroll.

  1. Go to Payroll > 2. Enter.
  2. Select the Payslip hyperlink for the employee you want to PDF the payslip for.
    The employee's payslip displays. 
  3. Select Print.
  4. Select Save as PDF from the Destination dropdown list.
  5. Select Save and choose the location you want to save a PDF copy of the payslip to.
    Note: You can change the file name of the payslip if required.
  6. Select Save to save the payslip to the location.
    You can now provide the PDF file to your employee.

You can also provide an employee a PDF version of a previous payslip.

  1. Go to People > View People and select the employee you want to provide a PDF payslip to.
    You see the Personal Details of the employee you have selected.
  2. From the sub-menu, select Pay History > Tax History.
    You see all the person's pays.
  3. Select the Date hyperlink for the pay you want to produce a PDF payslip for.
    You see the Timesheet Entry for the employee for that pay period.
  4. From the sub-menu, select Payslip.
    The employee's payslip displays for that pay period displays.
  5. Select Print.
  6. Select Save as PDF from the Destination dropdown list.
  7. Select Save and choose the location you want to save a PDF copy of the payslip to.
    Note: You can change the file name of the payslip if required.
  8. Select Save to save the payslip to the location.
    You can now provide the PDF file to your employee.

Entering Leave in the Pay Run

If one of your employees has had leave in this pay period, it will need to be entered to ensure the leave balances are correct.

  1. Go to Payroll > Step 2. Enter and select the employee that has taken leave.
    The 'Timesheet Entry' page is displayed.
  2. In the Qty field, add the total hours of leave.
  3. Select the leave element (for example, SICK-Sick/Personal Carer's Leave) from the Description dropdown list.
  4. In the Rate field, if you need to override an employee's pay rate as a one-off, enter the required pay rate.
  5. Select the +Add button to add the leave to the timesheet.
    The 'Transaction Entry' page displays. 

  6. In the Reason field, enter a reason for the leave taken, if required.
  7. In the From Date field, add the first day of the leave taken.
  8. In the To Date field, add the last day of the leave taken.
    The 'Reduce Ordinary Time (T1)' checkbox is deselected by default.
  9. Select the Reduce Ordinary Time (T1) checkbox, if you want to reduce the ordinary hours on the employee's timesheet by the leave taken.
  10. Select Save to update the leave details for the transaction and return to the 'Timesheet Entry' page for the employee.

Note: If you enter leave requests as you receive them via 'People > Leave Requests', any approved leave requests for an employee, within the paid-up-to date, will automatically appear on their timesheet entry after the payroll is opened.
On our Premium service your employees, through their kiosk, would be able to apply for leave online, project leave balances, see a history of their leave and see a leave calendar.

Bonus Payments

Bonus payments can either be processed as part of an employee's normal payroll, or as a separate one-off payroll.

Bonus payments that are made irregularly, such as Christmas bonuses, are taxed at the lump sum rate.

To make a bonus payment, add a 'BON-Bonus transaction' to the employee's timesheet. Typically, use a Quantity of 1.00 and enter the bonus amount into the Rate Field.


When employees receive a back-dated pay increase, they are entitled to a 'Back-pay' to pay the extra money owed to them.

  1. Go to Payroll > Step 2. Enter and select the employee that has taken leave.
    The 'Timesheet Entry' page is displayed.
  2. In the Qty field, add the total hours of back-pay you need to adjust.
  3. Select BACKPAY from the Description dropdown list.
  4. In the Rate field, enter rate difference between the previous pay rate and the current pay rate.
  5. Select the +Add button to add the leave to the timesheet.
    The 'Transaction Entry' page displays. 

  6. In the Notes field, enter any detail of the back-pay you would like to record, if required.
  7. In the Backpay From Date field, enter the date the backpay is from to determine the correct tax to withhold.
  8. Select Save to add update the back-pay transaction on the timesheet

Backpay Calculator Instructions

You can use the Backpay Calculator in the Transaction Entry to calculate the back-pay.

Important: The Backpay Calculator is an indication of the back-pay owed. The calculator uses the F.T. hours per week from the employee's Pay Rates in their Personal Details, not their actual hours worked for the period. This means, if an employee's working hours have fluctuated over the period the backpay is due, the value calculated would not be correct.

To calculate a Back-pay, enter a "BACKPAY" transaction on the employee's timesheet. A special calculator will be displayed.

  1. Go to Payroll > Step 2. Enter and select the employee that has taken leave.
    The 'Timesheet Entry' page is displayed.
  2. In the Qty field, add 1.0 as a quantity
  3. Select BACKPAY from the Description dropdown list.
    You can leave the 'Rate' field blank, as the calculator will calculate the rate.
  4. Select the +Add button to add the leave to the timesheet.
    The 'Transaction Entry' page displays. 
  5. In the Backpay Calculator section of the Timesheet Entry page, in the From field, the date the back-pay takes effect from.
  6. If required, in the To field, add the date the backdate the pay change to.
    The 'New Pay Rate' is automatically populated from the employee's pay rate in the 'Pay Rates' section of their 'Personal Details'.
  7. If required, in the New Pay Rate field, add the new pay rate.
    If the system detects a previous pay rate, it will automatically populate this in the 'Old Pay Rate' field.
  8. If required, in the Old Pay Rate field, add the old pay rate.
    The 'Hours' field is automatically populated with the hours based on the From and To dates and the F.T. hours per week for the employee.
  9. If required, in the Hours field, add the hours worked in the period.
  10. Select Insert to add the details to the Transaction Entry pane above.
  11. In the Backpay From Date field, enter the date the backpay is from to determine the correct tax to withhold.
  12. Select Save to add update the back-pay transaction on the timesheet

Note: You may need to calculate the back-pay overtime rates separately if they are paid a higher rate of pay.

Tax on Back-pay

Back-pays are calculated using the ATO tax guidelines.

Pay Advances

Pay can be advanced to an employee simply by entering the appropriate transactions into the employee's timesheet.

Note: Please contact our support team and they will assist you to do this.

Termination Pays

To produce a final pay for an employee:

  1. Go to Payroll > Step 2. Enter and select the employee that is finishing.
    The 'Timesheet Entry' page is displayed.
  2. Select Termination Pay from the sub-menu. 

  3. In the Finish Date field, enter the last day of employment.
  4. Select a reason for termination of employment from the Reason dropdown list.
  5. Select the Add Termination Pay button.

Termination pays are always processed in a payroll, just like any other payments. Depending on when the employee is finishing, you have several options.

  • If the termination pay is to be made on the same pay day as your normal payroll, include the termination pay with your usual payroll.
  • If the termination pay is to be made after your normal pay day, process and confirm your normal payroll as usual. Then open a one-off payroll to calculate the termination pay.
    You will need to contact the support team to 'Advance Close' your normal payroll if you are trying to process a one-off before your normal payroll has been closed.
  • If the termination pay is to be made before your normal pay day, and you haven't started your normal payroll, open a one-off payroll to calculate the termination pay. Then you can process and confirm your normal payroll as usual.
  • If you have a 'sudden' termination, and you have to make up a final pay, but are in the middle of processing your normal payroll for a later payday, you will have to do a manual payment.

If an Employee is Paid Termination Pay Outside of the Payrun

You may choose to pay an employee their termination pay outside of a payrun. In this case, you need to include them in a payrun to have complete records for this employee, but you do not want to pay them directly from this payroll.

If an employee's 'Payment Method' in their Personal Details is Bank, you need to change this on their timesheet when adding their final pay to the payrun.

  1. Go to Payroll > Step 2. Enter and select the employee you want to add the termination pay for.
    The 'Timesheet Entry' page is displayed. The last entry at the bottom of the 'Timesheet Details' is the method of payment. It will display as 'BANK - Take Home Pay to (BSB No.) / (Account No.)'.
  2. Select this entry.
    The Transaction Entry page displays.
  3. Select CHEQUE - Cheque Pay (or Manual Banking) from the Element dropdown list.
  4. Select Save to update the payment method to 'CHEQUE - Cheque Pay (or Manual Banking)'.
  5. If you haven't already, manually pay the employee their termination pay, either via a cheque or by transferring the money into their bank account yourself (i.e. not through our services).

Expenses Reimbursement

Expense reimbursement payments are to compensate employees for on-the-job expenses and are non-taxable. They can be entered on an employee's timesheet using the EXP-Expenses pay element.

Reinstating an Employee

An employee who has returned to work, or has been finished in error, can be reinstated by our support team. This is to ensure that the income statements will be correct. Alternatively, you can create a new employee in CloudPayroll.

Manual Pays

If you have made a manual payment to an employee, you must record the details in your payroll.

Important: It is vital that your payroll records are complete and accurate. If you make payments outside the system, and don't record the details, all of your tax, leave, costing and other records can be wrong.

If you have made a payment to an employee that is not recorded in the system:

  1. Open a one off payroll.
  2. Record the details of your manual pay on the employee's timesheet.
  3. Check and adjust the calculations so that the correct values are calculated.
    (In particular, check the tax calculation. Override the figures calculated by CloudPayroll if you have deducted different figures in your manual payment).
  4. Remove any deductions or standard hours from the timesheet that don't apply.
  5. Change the employee's remaining pay transaction (the very last entry on their timesheet) to CHEQUE. (This will remove the employee's pay from the banking schedules, ensuring that the employee isn't paid this amount a second time).
  6. Review your Cheque Schedule and double-check that the amount recorded in the schedule is the same as your manual payment.
  7. When this payroll is confirmed and closed, all records will be updated to include details of your manual payment. By changing the employee's timesheet entry to CHEQUE, no banking files will be created. Because you will have already paid the employee, there will be no need to draw a cheque.

Tip: You can easily open a one-off payroll and process a one-off payment, instead of making up a manual pay.

Tip:  Use CloudPayroll to make all payroll payments to your employees, instead of making manual payments and recording the details later. This saves time, duplication of effort, and the potential for inconsistencies.

Over-payments and Recovery

If you have overpaid an employee, and wish to recover money from them, follow these steps:

  • Record details of the over-payment to correctly adjust payroll, year-to-date, tax and leave records.
  • Recover any money overpaid to the employee.

Record Details of the Over-payment

  • Open a one-off payroll.
  • Re-enter the transactions that were overpaid, using a negative value for the quantity. For example, if you overpaid 3 hours T1.5 last pay, enter -3.0 T1.5 this pay.

This will correctly reverse out the over-payments and recalculate the correct tax adjustments. The resulting pay for this employee will be negative and details will show on 'Reports > Payroll > Schedule Overpayments'.

Important:  While the employee's pay records will now be updated, you will still need to recover any monies overpaid.

Recover any Money

Sometimes the employee who has been overpaid will repay the money themselves directly to their organisation. In that instance, all that needs to happen is to record the details of the over-payment as described above.

In other circumstances, an agreement may be reached whereby the over-payment is recovered in instalments from their regular pay until the over-payment has been repaid in full. In this case, a 'Reducing Balance Deduction' can be set up on an employee's Timesheet Template.  This will automatically recover the over-payment at the agreed amount and will automatically cease when the over-payment has been fully repaid.

To recover money via a reducing balance deduction:

  1. Go to People > View People and select the employee.
  2. Select Timesheet Template from the sub-menu.
  3. In the Qty field, add 1.0.
  4. Select ORG - <Your Organisation Name> from the Element dropdown list.
  5. Select +Add to add the transaction.
    The 'Timesheet Template Entry' page displays. 

  6. In the Rate field, enter the required rate.
  7. In the Balance field, enter the balance to pay.
  8. In the Payee Reference field, add a reference, if required.
  9. In the Notes field, add a description of the over-payment, if required.
  10. Select Save to add the deduction to the Timesheet Template.

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