Under 18s Super

Under 18s Super

Under 18s Super

You do not need to pay superannuation guarantee for employees aged under 18 if they work less than 30 hours in a week. To see more information on this, please click here. To enable this threshold in CloudPayroll, please go to Setup > Organisation > Defaults and scroll down to the superannuation section, where you can Enable Under 18s Superannuation.
Ensure the employee's date of birth on their personal details page in CloudPayroll is correct, if not, super may not calculate correctly. 

How the employee's super is calculated will depends on how often the employee paid.
If your employee is paid under a weekly pay cycle, CloudPayroll will automatically not calculate super on these hours worked. So you will not need to make any adjustments.

For fortnightly pay cycles, as this is a weekly threshold and CloudPayroll do not record actual work days for employees, a 30hrs per fortnight calculation rule is used. If we apply a 60hr rule, CloudPayroll does not know if it was an even 30hr + 30hr fortnight, or 25hr + 35hr fortnight - in which only the second week would have super applied. CloudPayroll want to ensure the minimum legal requirements is met in this case.

By the end of February, a new report will be in CloudPayroll to assist fortnightly and monthly payrolls with these calculations. 
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