An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact the Tax Office
This error is often due to a timeout within the ATO. We recommend you attempt to submit an STP Update Event via CloudPayroll. However, if the issue persists, please contact the ATO quoting this error code.
An unhandled error occurred within Core Services. Record the details of the message and contact the agency service desk.
This error generally appears when there is an issue with the ATO, either they are experiencing technical issues or it's under maintenance. We recommend you attempt to submit an STP Update Event via CloudPayroll. However, if the issue persists, please contact the ATO quoting this error code.
We were unable to process your submission because the branch code you provided is incorrect
The Branch number stored in CloudPayroll is incorrect. Pay events can only be submitted for active/open ABNs and branches. Once they are closed, no further actions can be taken. Please contact CloudPayroll with the details of your current branch number and the date it was activated.
We were unable to process your submission because your ABN is not active
Check that the ABN provided to CloudPayroll under Tax > Tax Options matches with the ABN registered with the ATO. An inactive ABN could indicate that the business associated with that ABN is no longer operating, has been de-registered, or the ABN status hasn't been updated to reflect its current status. As a result, any STP submissions related to that ABN cannot proceed until the ABN is reactivated or corrected.
We were unable to process your submission because you have not reported using Single Touch Payroll for that financial year
This error occurs because the Final Event is your first STP submission for the financial year - we can however resolve this. The easiest solution is to submit a single pay event (payroll), please contact CloudPayroll and we can assist you with this.
We were unable to process your submission because we located multiple files to be replaced
This error indicates CloudPayroll has detected the ATO has already received a lodgment for this event. This may have happened due to an issue processing the response on the first attempt, leading to a subsequent lodgment attempt. To fix this error, please submit an STP Update Event.
A link between your client and your agent number does not exist for the selected task. Check that you have added this client to your registered agent number. You may also need to check if you have entered the correct client identifier and that you are using the correct registered agent number and then try again. If an ABN is present in form/schedule or client setup, confirm on the ABR this is the correct ABN for the client. Update or remove ABN as required. If the issue persists, contact the ATO quoting this error code to resolve any issues.
This message indicates that there is no link between your client and your agent number for the task you're attempting.
To resolve this:
Ensure that you’ve added the client to your registered agent number.
Verify that the correct client details and agent number are being used.
If an ABN is listed, confirm it on the Australian Business Register to ensure it matches the client’s correct ABN. Update or remove the ABN as necessary.
If the issue persists, contact the ATO with the error code for assistance in resolving the matter.