Re-establish CloudPayroll to Xero Accounting

Re-establish CloudPayroll to Xero Accounting

If you are experiencing issues with the CloudPayroll to Xero Interface you may need to disconnect and re-establish the connection in Xero.

In CloudPayroll

To reconnect to Xero:

  1. Setup > Interfaces > status is OFF display is Enable.
  2. Select > Enable.
    You will be redirected to your Xero account.
  3. Log on with your Xero credentials.
  4. Allow CloudPayroll Access - or choose the appropriate Xero organisation if you have more than one.
  5. Invoice Settings > Select Choose whether to post to Xero at Confirm time > Save.
    The Xero interface status will be ON and the display is Disable.

If Xero is displaying that your organisation is already connected, you will need to disconnect CloudPayroll from Xero (see below).

In Xero

To disconnect CloudPayroll:

  1. Organisation > Settings > Connected Apps.
  2. Select three dots next to CloudPayroll > Disconnect.
  3. Log out of Xero - if you have multiple browser tabs and / or devices with Xero open, please log out and close them all completely.
  4. Connect Interface in CloudPayroll (see below).

In CloudPayroll

To reconnect to Xero:

  1. Setup > Interfaces > select  Enable Xero.
    You will be redirected to your Xero account.
  2. Log on with your Xero credentials.
  3. Allow CloudPayroll Access - or choose the appropriate Xero organisation if you have more than one.
  4. Invoice Settings > Select Choose whether to post to Xero at Confirm time > Save.
    The Xero interface status will be ON and the display is Disable.

Contact the CloudPayroll helpdesk if you are still having issues.


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