Initial Setup – Superannuation Options

Initial Setup – Superannuation Options

Go to Superannuation > Superannuation Options  

Superannuation Information 
This shows the next superannuation remittance period and the due date of that superannuation (except when the superannuation frequency is Pay Day + 1 Business Day) 

Superannuation Details 

The following information is required to process superannuation automatically through the Direct Debit by SuperChoice option. 
  1. Nominated Fund – This is your default super fund that you will pay your employee’s super into if they:
    1. Have not chosen a fund, and
    2. do not have a stapled super fund. 
  1. Employer Id – This is the id that your default superannuation fund has provided you, so the fund can identify you as the employer. 
  1. Superannuation BSB / Account – This is the account that your employees’ superannuation payment will be debited from and the account that it will be refunded to, if there is a refund.
  1. Superannuation Frequency – this is how frequently the superannuation will be debited.
    1. Pay Day + 1 Business Day – The superannuation will be debited the following business day after the payroll pay day
    2. Weekly – The superannuation will be debited weekly on the selected business day
    3. Fortnightly – The superannuation will be debited fortnightly based on the selected business day date 
                     Based on the above direct debit date, superannuation will be debited
                        Tuesday 26-Jul-2023, Tuesday 9-Aug-2023, Tuesday 23-Aug-2023, etc. 
    1. Monthly – The superannuation will be debited on the selected day of the following month 

Superannuation Contact 

  1. Name – The person that is best placed to communicate with the superannuation fund as this is provided to the superannuation fund. This is required. 
  2. Position – The position this person has in the organisation. This is optional. 
  3. Phone – The phone number of the superannuation contact. This is required. 
  4. Email – The email address of the superannuation contact. This is where emails relating to validation failures when trying to submit, debit failure, or refunds will be sent. This is required. 

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