Emergency After Hours Support

Emergency After Hours Support

CloudPayroll Pty Ltd operates a cost effective after hours Helpdesk for urgent matters.

Rates for after-hours service are as follows: 

  • Minimum Charge: $75.00 plus GST

If you need to phone for after-hours support please first log in to your account, have your 5 digit Organisation Username id handy and phone:

+61 407 900 495 or +61 426 883 172 (Please note after hours charges as specified above will apply).

Before phoning the after-hours service you may find the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) answer your questions:
  • Question 1: 
    I didn’t realise a Public Holiday meant that I would have to run my payroll earlier than usual and I have missed the cut-off time. What should I do? 

Answer 1: 
Change the payday to a later date, then Open your Payroll and complete the payroll input. If you are happy to pay staff on this (later) payday, confirm the payroll.

If you need the payroll processed earlier, you still need to complete the payroll input but do not confirm the payroll. Instead, phone the Helpdesk during business hours on the next business day for assistance. Some special banking arrangements may need to be applied. (Please note we cannot process banking files on weekends or public holidays as the banks are not open for these services).

  • Question 2: 
    I forgot to do the payroll and payday is tomorrow. What should I do? 

Answer 2: 
Change the payday to a later date, then Open your Payroll and complete the payroll input. Do not confirm the payroll. Phone the Helpdesk during business hours on the next business day. Ask for a 'Same Day Cleared Payment' (SDCP). Subject to banking arrangements held on your account we will process a SDCP which means staff will have their net pay in their accounts within approximately two hours. Additional charges for a SDCP are: $35.00 + $4.50 per bank transaction plus GST.

  • Question 3: 
    I am going to be away for the next few weeks and need to do my payrolls in advance. I am doing them at the moment and will be unavailable from tomorrow for a period of time. What should I do? 

Answer 3: 
Open the pay, complete the payroll input and confirm the pay. Then phone the after-hours number (if you cannot do this then call the next day during business hours) and ask to have the current pay 'Closed In Advance'. This will enable you to process another payroll immediately. Please note once a payroll is 'Closed in Advance' we cannot change it in any way.

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