Update My Details

Update My Details

You can change some of your details in your user profile. This is accessed by either selecting 'My Account' from the menu, or selecting your username at the top right of the page.

This article covers:


Address and Contact Details

Depending on the settings selected by your employer, you can update your address and phone number by editing the fields and selecting Save.

Or, if you are unable to change these fields, select Change Other Details to message your employer to change this information. You can then Submit the change request.

You can also update your email address. If you update your email address you will be logged out of the application. You can then log in with the updated email address and your usual password.


To receive an email notification each pay (no payment details are contained in this email), select the 'Email me when I've been paid' checkbox.

Change Password

Enter your current password,  your new password (it must meet the complexity rules), and confirm your new password.

Two Factor Authentication

Set up two-factor authentication to provide an additional level of security to your login procedure.

This is optional and will require you to install a separate authentication app on either your mobile device or desktop in order to access login to your kiosk.


Shows the last five login requests to your kiosk.

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