Reset Your Password

Reset Your Password

This article covers:

Reset Your Password

If you have already saved your email address in your Employee Kiosk account, you can reset your password yourself.

  1. Go to and select the Login button at the top of the CloudPayroll Home page.
    The CloudPayroll Login page displays.
  2. Select Reset my password. 
  3. Enter your email address in the Username field.
  4. Select Reset Password.
    A 'Success' message is displayed advising you will receive an email to your registered email address.
    Note: If you have not received a Reset Password email, check your email address and try again. Contact your employer if you are unsure which is your registered email address.
  5. Select the Reset Password button in the email.
  6. If your email address is not already in the Username field, enter your email address.
  7. Enter a password in the New Password field.
  8. Enter the password again in the Confirm New Password field.
  9. Select Continue.
    The Employee Kiosk Dashboard displays.

I Don't Have a Registered Email Address

If you have never registered an email address, and instead use a 7-digit system-generated ID as your username, you will need to contact your employer to ask them to reset your Employee Kiosk account.

Once your employer has reset your Employee Kiosk account, they need to advise you of the new system-generated ID.

You can then follow the instructions from the CloudPayroll Employee Kiosk - Activate my Kiosk article to activate your Employee Kiosk with the new system-generated username.

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