Change Timelogs Settings in Bulk

Change Timelogs Settings in Bulk

You can change Timelogs settings for multiple people at a time. There are three pages under People > Timelogs where you can do this:

  • People > Timelogs > Bulk Settings is where you can set if Timelogs is enabled for people, whether their hours are transferred to payroll, and whether your people can enter their own time logs
  • People > Timelogs > Bulk Standard Hours is where you can define the set hours people are expected to work and set a default break time
  • People > Timelogs > Bulk Time Codes is where you can set what time codes your people have access to

This article covers:

Edit General Settings for Multiple People

  1. Go to People > Timelogs.
  2. Hover your mouse arrow over the Timelogs sub-menu. A menu will appear.
  3. Select Bulk Settings.
    Note: The Bulk Settings table displays all people.
  4. Select a checkbox to enable the setting (add a tick).
  5. Deselect a checkbox to disable the setting (remove tick).
    Note: The settings will only be applied if you click Save.
    Note: If you select the checkbox in the heading of a setting, you will enable the setting for all people at once. Deselecting the checkbox would then disable the setting for all people at once.
  6. Click Save to save the changes.

Note: The changes will be updated in each person's individual Timelogs settings.

Edit Standard Hours for Multiple People

  1. Go to People > Timelogs.
  2. Hover your mouse arrow over the Timelogs sub-menu. A menu will appear.
  3. Select Bulk Standard Hours.
    Note: The Bulk Standard Hours table displays all people who have Timelogs enabled.
  4. Click the Standard Hours dropdown arrow to select from:
    • Daily - enter hours for each day worked for the week
    • Weekly - enter a weekly total
    • Undefined - leave the standard hours as unset
      Note: The settings will only be applied if you click Save.
  5. In the Break (mins) field, enter a default break time, for example 30 for 30 minutes, if you would like the break to be prefilled when adding a time log.
    Note: The break time can be changed in the time log.
  6. Click Save to save the changes.

Note: The changes will be updated in each person's individual Timelogs settings.

Edit Time Codes for Multiple People

  1. Go to People > Timelogs.
  2. Hover your mouse arrow over the Timelogs sub-menu. A menu will appear.
  3. Select Bulk Time Codes.
    Note: The Bulk Time Codes table displays all people who have Timelogs enabled.
  4. Select a checkbox to make the time code available to a person (add a tick).
  5. Deselect a checkbox to remove access to the time code from a person (remove tick).
    Note: The settings will only be applied if you click Save.
    Note: Hover your mouse arrow over a time code in the heading to see the full time code and description.
    Note: If you select the checkbox in the heading for a time code, you will make the time code available to all people at once. Deselecting the checkbox would then remove access to the time code from all people at once.
  6. Click Save to save the changes.

Note: The changes will be updated in each person's individual Timelogs settings.

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